AR-E Series

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Rapidprint Automatic Time Stamps

Rapidprint has been a leader in the development and production of automatic time and date stamps for over 60 years. Whenever you need a printed record of time and date, a Rapidprint automatic time stamp can do the job. Simply insert the form, document, or letter for an instantaneous time-date imprint.

 AR-E Series: Our most popular models, these AR-E  Series stamps print anywhere across the top or bottom of a document of the Bidwell models. They print anywhere across the top or bottom of a document (prints horizontal to the inserted edge of the document).

AR-E Model Options: AR-E Blank Display, ARL-E Digital Time Display, ARC-E Analog Clock Display

Popular Options:

  • Fixed Brass Die Plates
  • Military Time
  • Reverse Print
  • Paper Guide
  • Extended Trigger

Outstanding Features:

  • Easy to use. Just insert the document and it is instantly printed with the time and date.
  • Electronic date stamps are also very fast allowing hundreds of documents to be stamped within a short period of time.
  • Unlike handwritten records, the printed record is accurate and easy to read.
  • Electronic circuitry in the Rapidprint AR-E assures dependable service, simplified maintenance, consistently clear imprints.
  • Durable brass typewheels provide superior imprints.
  • Rugged metal housing, stainless steel paper plate and sturdy case lock discourage tampering.
  • UL approved.


Throat Depth: 1-3/16 inches
Max: 1-9/16 inches
Min: 1/8 inches
Electrical: 115 V
Dimensions: 7 7/16″ H x 4 11/16″ W x 10 3/16″ D
Weight: 16 lbs


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