5T (MX5800T)

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Cash Dispenser offering highest availability

5L(MX5800) is a brand-new cash dispenser offering highest availability and allowing flexibility in a broad range of


Intuitive Enabling Technology
A 19inch multi-touch screen and intuitive user interface that enable a truly seamless omni channel customer experience. Multiple customer authentication options including contactless and biometrics deliver consistency in channel experiences. Furthermore, the aesthetic design and ergonomic layout of the Hyosung 5T will seize the moment of truth for consumers.
Highest Availability
Hyosung 5T is designed to provide reliability that is unequaled in the market with maximum uptime and minimum maintenance.
Hyosung 5T allows for easy future upgrades and module modifications.  It delivers expanded functionality includes bill payment, funds transfer, and teller assist services for maximum efficiency and convenience. Hyosung 5T is a brand-new cash dispenser offering highest availability and allowing flexibility in a broad range of services.
Robust Security
Hyosung 5T offers multi-layers of security features that defend against physical and logical attacks with a combination of multi-level anti-skimming, anti-shimming, anti-cash trapping, locked down operating system, white-listing, encryption and anti-jackpotting.